Positive Pay for Business

Simple, Secure 


with Positive Pay 

Safeguard against unauthorized ACH or
check transactions.


Fraud prevention with Positive Pay

Check & ACH Positive Pay is like insurance. It's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. With our front-end and back-end Positive Pay solutions, your small business, commercial, and corporate accounts are protected from tech-savvy fraudsters. 

Transactions protected by

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Check Positive Pay 
Verify each check number and dollar amount presented for payment against your issuance file, allowing you to quickly return checks that do not match.

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Payee Positive Pay
Inspect the check image presented and compare the payee's name provided on your issuance file with the payee on the check image for an added layer of security.
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Reverse Positive Pay
Verify checks that have come in for payment to your business account online and automatically return any fraudulent check. 

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ACH Positive Pay
Set parameters to control which vendors are authorized to ACH debit and/or credit your business account. 
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Business Online Banking
Positive Pay can easily be added to your current business online banking account!
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Contact Us!
Contact one of our Personal Bankers or Loan Officer's today to find out how to start utilizing Positive Pay. 

*Additional service fees apply’