mature couple walking together outside

Safe Deposit and Convenience Boxes

Safe Deposit Boxes and Convenience Boxes both offer a secure method of protecting the items that are valuable to you. The difference? Safe Deposit Boxes are in a secured location and require access from both you and a BSB employee. On the other hand, Convenience Boxes are a little bit more, well... convenient! You conveniently access your own box without any additional assistance needed from an employee. For an annual fee, you can choose from a variety of safe deposit or convenience box sizes at any of our locations.

Box Sizes and Annual Rent

Safe Deposit Boxes

Huntington Main Office
3x10: $30
5x10: $40
10x10: $70

Huntington South Office
2x5: $15
2.5x4.5: $20
4.5x5: $23
3x10: $30
5x10: $40
10.5x10: $70

Convenience Boxes

Roanoke Office
3x10: $30
5x10: $40
10x10: $70

North Manchester Office
3x10: $30
5x10: $40
10x10: $70

Warren Office
3x10: $30
5x10: $40
*Disclaimer: The contents of a safe deposit and convenience boxes are not insured by the FDIC. However, other insurance may be available.